LifeLong Learning-San Marcos
LifeLong Learning-San Marcos and the San Marcos Public Library
Present a Community Lecture Series
Seven Unique Topics on Seven almost Consecutive Mondays (sans Labor Day)
Mondays, August 12 - September 30, 10:00-11:30am
Free and Open to the Pubic
Register at the San Marcos Public Library or call 512-393-8200
Sept. 9—The Savvy Social Media User
Dr. Amber Hinsley, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State
Amber will share information on various social media platforms, discuss their pros and cons, and explain how to determine the credibility of online information.
Sept. 16—Contributions of the Science of Human Decomposition
Dr. Sophia Mavroudas, Associate Director, Forensic Anthropology Center (aka “the Body Farm”), Texas State
Sophia will share an overview of the evolution of human decomposition facilities and their contribution to taphonomic science. Specifically, she will discuss the postmortem processes in modern people and interpreting what happens to a body from the moment of death until they are discovered.
Sept. 23—Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits
Dr. Angela Black, Pediatrician
Angela will share how nutrition contributes to longevity or lack thereof. She will focus on how shifting to a whole food plant-centric diet and cultivating other healthy lifestyle habits can reduce your risks for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and even dementia so you can "add years to your life and life to your years." It's never too late to make changes!
Check out Angela’s podcast, Eat Your Greens with Dr. Black. It is available at her website and also on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and other podcast apps.
Sept. 30—From Rain to the Aquifers… Water in Central Texas
Dr. Robert Mace, Executive Director, The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, Texas State
Join Robert as he moves us through the distribution of water (hydrology) in Central Texas. Learn about the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer, Texas law on ground water versus surface water use, drying up of springs, need for conservation, desalination and karsts...oh my!